HTML Block And Inline Elements

HTML block and inline elements -There are two types of building block elements in HTML namely block-level element and inline-level element.

Block-level element covers the full width of the document and it has top and bottom margins also. Every block-level element starts with a new line.

List of all HTML block level elements

Followings are the block level elements like:

<p>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>,<h5>,<h6>,<ol>,<ul>,<pre>,<address>,<blockquote>,<dl>,<div>,<fieldset>,<form>,<hr>,<noscript>,<table>.

The inline HTML element only covers the required space. Id does not cover full width. Inline block element width depends upon the size of the available text. These elements do not start with a new line.

List of HTML inline block elements

Followings are the inline block level elements like:


The inline HTML element only covers the required space. Id does not cover full width. Inline block element width depends upon the size of the available text. These elements do not start with a new line.

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