Materialize CSS Carousel

Materialize CSS carousel is generally used to make a slider that slides images, and content in a definite time interval. It is also touch-enabled & provides a smooth experience on the mobile.

Note: This is also touch-compatible! Try swiping with your finger to scroll through the carousel.


Follow the followings steps to create, a Materialize carousels:.

Step:1 - Add the .carousel class to the carousel container i.e <div class="carousel">

Carousel Container
    <div class="carousel"></div>  

Step:2 - Add the .carousel-item class to the every carousel item element i.e <a class="carousel-item">

Carousel Item
     <a class="carousel-item"></a>   

Step:3 - Initialization the carousel using Javascript or jQuery.

  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.carousel');
    var instances = M.Carousel.init(elems, options);
  // Or with jQuery

Source Code

      <div class="carousel grey lighten-5">
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/bird.jpg" />
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/lily.jpg" />
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/rose.jpg" />
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/water-lily.jpg" />

  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/rose-flower.jpg" />

<script type="text/javascript">
Try it yourself

Full Width Carousel

To create a full-width carousel, simply assign an alternative .carousel-slider class followed by a .carousel class to the carousel container and also add fullWidth: true properties inside Javascript or jQuery initialization.


To initialize Materialized CSS full-width carousel, use the following jQuery code.

  var instance = M.Carousel.init({
    fullWidth: true
// Or with jQuery
    fullWidth: true

Source Code

      <div class="carousel carousel-slider grey lighten-5">
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/bird.jpg" />
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/lily.jpg" />
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/rose.jpg" />
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/water-lily.jpg" />
  <a class="carousel-item" href="#">
    <img src="../code-support/images/slider/rose-flower.jpg" />
Try it yourself

Carousel With Fixed Content

You can also add fixed items such as button inside the carousel. To add a fixed item, simply place the button inside the container and assign the .carousel-fixed-item class to the container.


To initialize Materialize CSS full-width carousel with content slider, use following jQuery code.

    fullWidth: true,
    indicators: true

Source Code

      <div class="carousel carousel-slider center">
  <div class="carousel-fixed-item center">
    <a class="btn waves-effect white grey-text darken-text-2">button</a>
  <div class="carousel-item red white-text" href="#one!">
    <h2>First Panel</h2>
    <p class="white-text">This is your first panel</p>
  <div class="carousel-item amber white-text" href="#two!">
    <h2>Second Panel</h2>
    <p class="white-text">This is your second panel</p>
  <div class="carousel-item green white-text" href="#three!">
    <h2>Third Panel</h2>
    <p class="white-text">This is your third panel</p>
  <div class="carousel-item blue white-text" href="#four!">
    <h2>Fourth Panel</h2>
    <p class="white-text">This is your fourth panel</p>
Try it yourself

Web Tutorials

Materialize CSS Carousel
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Materialize CSS Tutorial MATERIALIZE CSS